
"Um, yeah, it's been like since September, Heidi!"

Wow, really looks as though my big New Years Resolution fell through, doesn't it?! It's been 8 months since my last entry, I am really falling behind! I didn't even realize how bad it had gotten until I ran into an old friend & fellow blogger (Hi Mel!) and she mentioned it- "Um, yeah, it's been like since September, Heidi!", she said. I suppose sometimes we have a tendency to think "ah, no one will notice" when we get a little lazy from time to time (or, I don't know, 8 months for that matter). But it's nice to have a little reminder to get you back on track!
Wellll... Where to start, where to begin- AIDEN HAS A NEW(ISH) BABY BROTHER! We welcomed Parker Elliot into our family on Friday December 18, 2009 @ 5:48pm. He weighed 8lbs, 4oz and was 20 inches long. NOW, he is 4 months old & weighs 15 1/2 lbs and is 24 inches long!
Aiden is really good big brother. He will walk up to Parker, pinch his cheek and say "goo-goo ga-ga, Parky!". When Parker is in his activity jumper, Aiden will say "jumpin' bean! Jumpin' bean!" and show him how to bounce. Lots of cute little moments that I am lucky enough to be home for and able to see/have with the two of them!
Now that Parker is 4 months, he is almost able to sit up all the way on his own, he rolls from front to back and back to front and is working on scooching around on the floor! We are going to get ready to add green veggies into his diet in hopes he will follow after big brother who LOVES them more than anything else on his plate! Aiden began solids with green beans and has loved them ever since. His new thing is broccoli, which he would be perfectly content eating morning, noon and night. So we are crossing our fingers that the luck we had with Aiden will follow with Parker!
Aiden is doing very well, also! He is growing up verrrrry quickly! He now is able to count to 27 (though he goes up that high only on a rare occasion)! As far as the alphabet, he is partial to G-Q and isn't much into A-F or R-Y but loves to shout Z at the end. He also has his own little version of Twinkle, Twinkle, which is my favorite. He loves, loves, LOVES Finding Nemo and could watch it over and over and over for days and days if we let him! And he is mostly into trains, cars, airplanes and helicopters. An all around boys boy. :)


September 2009

Fall is finally here! It has been a long and beautiful Summer, but I have to say, having Fall here is a breath of fresh air! This time of year is the time that I get excited about for many reasons. Something about the crisp air and gorgeous atmosphere that bring forth creativity and imagination for me! I cant wait to get started on all of the projects I have been thinking about for the upcoming holiday season with Aiden! He is at an age where his curiosity and imagination are not only exciting to watch and be a part of, but ever inspiring. Projects here we come! If we don't have your addresses already, send them our way and we will be sure to send you a piece of art that Aiden creates, whether it be a colorful fall leaf collage, a pumpkin painting, a hand turkey, or a complete surprise!
Here are a few photos that we have taken so far this season! Happy Fall!

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June, July & August

Oh my! Have I been slacking on updates, or what?! As time progresses it seems this blog gets harder and harder to stay on top of as we have so much going on in all different directions.
Aiden is getting SO big! August 27th marked his 15th month. He is the silliest little guy, learning something new every day. The other day was one of my favorites. Alex took him to the beach while I was working. When they picked me up, Aiden showed me his new thing. He plugs his nose with his fingers and talks, "heyyyyy Mama!!" followed by deep belly giggles. It is probably the funniest thing he has done yet. I was rolling! What a ham!
His last checkup went great! It was the 12 month mark. Still a little guy, but growing steadily. The Dr was impressed with him, as he was walking around the room reading his book outloud. :)
His vocabulary is ever growing. Here is a small list of a few of his words:
Mama: (mom)
Dada: (dad)
Baba: (Bottle)
Momo: (our cat, Moses)
Nana: (banana)
shish: (fish, goldfish crackers or sometimes just meaning "I want a snack")
hah-da: (Oscar, Grandmas puppy, This one makes me laugh, since oscar is a dotson and it sounds like he is saying "hot dog"... )
Opa: (Grandpa)
Ah-ma: (Grandma)
Buh: (book)
jzusch: (Juice)
Ah-me: (Auntie)
Ah-pah: (Apple)
Buh-Buh: (Bubble)
Bah-bah: (Bye-bye)
Duh: (duck)
Just a few, among many. Like I said, every day is something new! This is such a fun age!

Here is a slideshow for you to enjoy!


March, April and May!

Looks like I went back on my new year's resolution of keeping up on this! :(
Let's see... Where to begin. It's been a long time since I've updated you and SO MUCH has happened! Aiden is doing very well! Growing like a weed. He is walking all over town and back and starting to learn how to run, which is keeping our hands full to say the least! He can tell us what sounds a Monkey, Cat and Dog make, which is guarenteed to put a smile on the grouchiest of faces! His next checkup will be in one week, which I am looking forward to, as we havent had one for 3 months. It will be fun to see where he is on the growth charts and to talk about potty training and all of the new adventures we have to look forward to! For now, I will post some photos! It's incredible to look back at the photos of my last post and compare the changes!


February 2009

Today, Aiden is 9 months old! We had a visit with the Dr, and he is doing great! He was very impressed with Aiden’s walking and attentiveness. He has caught up to the age bracket with his height and head measurements at 28 ¼ inches long and 45 centimeters around, putting him in the 50th percentile for both. His weight, however, is a bit on the low side at 16.12 lbs in the 5th percentile. Nothing to worry about as we make the transition into more and more solids and table foods! I was maybe a little more excited than Aiden was about this visit being immunization free! It was a very pleasant surprise for Momma! His next visit will be at 12 months, can you believe it!? ONE YEAR! Time is just flying by.
We have been keeping him busy with visits to the parks, walks, play time- All the good stuff. I am currently teaching him sign language, which has been a lot of fun. The other day, he signed “Daddy” to Alex quite a few times. It was quite a moment for me. I was thrilled to say the least! He really picks things up quickly! We are so lucky.

A few photos for now, and more to come very soon--- I promise!


January 2009

In effort to keep to my New Year's Resolution of staying on top of Aiden's blog, I have decided that it might not be such a bad idea to get on as often as I can for a quick update and maybe a few photos and a video or two! This morning we woke up & noticed that Aiden grew up overnight! He has been growing 2 pearly whites over the last couple of months that seem to be taking thier sweet, sweet time. But today--- They are half way up! Aiden looks like a giant BIG BOY!!! I couldnt believe it. You know what they say- All in the blink of an eye. It's true. I'm thinking about renaming his blog just to reinforce it. haha. Yesterday we went to a park close to the house on Lake Washington. There are a few photos from it and a new video that I found pretty darn cute! Until next time!...


Aiden's First Christmas! December 2008

Apologies that it's been such a while since our last update, or any new photos! It's now 2009! We hope that you all had a very Merry Christmas and an excellent New Year's Eve! Happy New Year!!! Wow, how the time flies. As of this very moment, Aiden is 5,539 hours old- Which comes out to 7 months and 3 weeks! ha! The holidays were really fun, we had a great time with his curiosity. Grandma & Mike gave into Aiden a little bit early a few times and let him open 2 gifts before Christmas. We had quite a bit under the tree and it was definitely trying for the little guy! Every day Alex & I were pulling him off the gifts, only to turn our back a moment later to find him in them all over again! So needless to say, by the time Christmas day finally arrived, he was glad to be able to rip into all the temptation that had been teasing him for so long! By the time Christmas had passed, we were all pretty wiped out. This year we celebrated a total of 4 Christmas' to be sure we had time with all of our family. It's great to share time with everyone and connect, but my goodness, I have to admit- I am happy that the hustle and bustle is behind us for now! Though, I’m sure I will be all ready for it again by no later than July! That's usually when the Christmas Spirit tends to kick in with me! :] All that craziness brings us right up to date [better late than never, isn't that what they say?]- approaching the 8 month benchmark with flying colors! He is beginning the process into walking. Currently, Aiden is a crawling maniac, pulling himself up onto anything he can! He can stand in place by himself without support for a moment or so- smiling the whole way through! Quite a little ham! He has two bottom teeth that are in motion to making a full debut. One is about half way up & the other, trying to play catch-up with the first! Well, that's all for now! Time for Aiden's dinner! Hope that you enjoy the photos AND... VIDEO!!!!!!!! Mommy got a video camera for Christmas! Thanks Alex!!! :]

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About Me

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On May 27th, 2008, I became a first time mommy to an amazing little monster, Aiden Alexander. Since that very day, my life has changed 100%- For the better. I was Lucky enough to have it happen twice, when Aiden became a big brother to Parker Elliot who was born 19 months later, on December 18, 2009. I now spend my days in intervals of playtime, feedings, diaper changes and learning. Each day is filled full of incredible moments in time and recipes for sentimental memories to one day look back and reflect on. I wouldn't change a thing!